Monday, August 07, 2006

Kansas politics, 101

Here we go again!

It didn’t take long for the politicians to get underway with their outrageous distortion of the facts, distortion of accomplishments, and most certainly distortions of the truth. I would hope the citizens of Kansas go to the effort to write down some of the politicians claims that impact their personal lives and pocket books so they can put them under their pillow. Perhaps that activity is outdated, or not politically correct, any more as is moral values, honesty, integrity, and citizenship. It appears the golden rule has even been made from technologically improved materials so it bends easier and when it was made of that which didn’t break. Perhaps the demand for those, including rulers and paddles, has gone from our presence because of liberal views and vain attempts at creating a more politically correct environment and society. I am privileged to be old enough to recall how life was before most of the morals, ethics, Christian values, and respect for one another, has been replaced with deceit, greed, corruption, and liberalism. I have personally met Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and they both maintained great standards of social and moral values. I also had the opportunity to work for President Clinton and several in his cabinet failed to demonstrate those standards. Reflecting back a few presidential terms though it seems the wheels came off that moral wagon with ending of WW II.

The main purpose of my writing is to let off some steam plus sharing some encouragement to examine the political future in this ‘Land of Ahs’ with a great deal of caution. The recent election results, both local and state, have identified some serious areas of concern, from my personal viewpoint. Right out of the chute, our illustrious democrat governor had the audacity to share that she has over $3,000,000 at her disposal, with much more if needed, to give her another term in office. It is worthy of note the abortion providers are among the most liberal contributors, I am told. And if money won’t buy it, she puts her record of accomplishments on the table for good measure.

One of the more notable is the TV ad that tells of an audit that she ordered has identified over $1.0 Billion of waste in state funded activities. Since this is the same, or similar, message that she gave when she ran for office last time, I am not sure what the future holds. There was no evidence of reorganization or program changes to reduce the budget. As a matter of fact she, the house democrats, and the RINO’s, tried to raise taxes several times in this past term without success. She has the same philosophy as many other liberals that believe if you throw enough money at the problem, surely it will correct itself or self- destruct. Personally, she wants to add thousands of illegal aliens to the roles in school and then get her friends in the court to demand more money be allocated in the budget to make sure they get a good education. She also seems to think the we need more casinos in the state so that low income people don’t have to drive so far to invest their welfare checks. While I have compassion for those with low incomes, I do believe there are better places for them to spend their money than casinos. Our precious governor may be guilty of many things but leadership is not one of them, there is not sufficient evidence to do anything but bring her to trial before the November election.

Very soon after Election Day she appointed two new judges to the circuit bench. One, Mark Brown, had been on the Topeka school board where some of the $450 million in taxpayer funds could be squandered. That same judge had served as chairman of the Republicans for Sebellius fund raising organization and I was told this group contributed over $6,000.00. Not sure whether or not he routed the funds from the abortion industry in Kansas. In addition, Mr. Brown’s wife currently works for the Sebellius re-election committee. These bits are just the tip of the iceberg. I will do more homework and report some facts with sources later.

If there happens to be a reader of this message who is not familiar, George Tiller is a nationally famous abortionist in Wichita. I am not sure whether or not he is a doctor because there seems to be a lack of regulations governing that activity. This and other concerns are probably of questionable value, there were only 5 ladies who lost their life with abortion procedures last year in this state, so I have been told. I find it more than amusing that if a pregnant woman is murdered, the assailant is charged with taking the life of two, the mother and the unborn baby. If she looses her life at the hands of an abortionist, the assailant doesn’t get charged for either. Probably some obscure rules that only a judge would understand.


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