What a week!
The older I get, the more amazed I am at the way America is sliding down the slippery slope into the “place of darkness”. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, perhaps only one or two will, but I write for fun and not for food so allow me the liberty to express my view of the current events. As I told a friend earlier today, one of the drawbacks of growing old is that we have so many experiences, so many things we have learned from others, gleanings from the teaching of others whom we admire and respect, that when something totally absurd, stupid, ungodly, and tragic happens, I for one have a hard time trying to believe that I am still in America.
Probably the most publicized event of the past two weeks was the pending death of Terri Schindler Schiavo. Then if that wasn’t stressful enough, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II relapsed with what appears at this writing, as a terminal illness. I am not catholic, however, I know that Jesus loves both of them so I am left to morn and pray for them as they journey to their destiny.
As I attempted to sort out the tragic events leading to the demise of Terri Schiavo, I tried to digest some resolve and legitimate rationale of the decisions being made by politicians, judges, lawyers, medical experts, religious authorities, psychologists, media persons, and others. First, I had to realize that most of the politicians, all of the judges and lawyers, and some others with input were lawyers. This group of folks is suspect at best. Gleaning the pages of the Holy Scriptures, I fail to see many good things God had to say about them. As the medical experts go about the practice of their profession, I dare say they have little experience in dealing with a case like this one. I am a member of the medical profession and know that the ‘oath’ directs us recovery, not death. It is with pride that I direct the reader to previous posts I have made on this venue. Finally, I concluded that I must start at the beginning for some possible idea of what might have been. Since all of the information I have has been gleaned from the media, I find it necessary to hypothesize what may have been ‘the rest of the story’. At the onset, let me say I believe the legal beagles, the media, and most of those actively involved, have failed to see the true picture of what has taken place here. Contrary to any sound judgment, the rhetoric lacks common sense, logic, motive, intent, or sincerity with very little honesty.
How about allowing me to hypothetically reflect upon the scene some 15 + years ago. Terri Schindler Schiavo was seated on the living room sofa with her loving husband, Michael, watching a movie. This movie reportedly had a few scenes of a person who was receiving extensive life-enhancing procedures. Since I do not know the name of the movie, and consequently never seen it, I will conclude that it was, perhaps, a depressing scene. Having observed this activity of questionable merit, Terri apparently made the comment that has gone down in history as ‘Fact one’. Perhaps the rest of the conversation may have gone like this.
Michael: What do you mean, darling?
Terri: I mean I would not want to spend the rest of my life hooked up to all that medical apparatus.
Michael: How would you like to spend the rest of your life, honey?
Terri: I would like for you to introduce some antigen or etiological agent into my body that would interrupt all vital activity, i.e. breathing, pulse, deviate blood pressure, and consciousness for a time so that my brain would be severely damaged. Don’t you think that would be an exciting option, darling?
Michael: Let me think about it for a time, possibly I could come up with something. I will work on it.
Terri: Possibly it would be nice if you would refuse therapy, companionship, visitations, restrict diagnostic procedures and or medication also if you don’t mind. Also you might not allow the shades to be opened on the windows, no TV, or radio so that I am not distracted from meditation. You know how easily excited I can become, don’t you? This would preclude any sexual activity between us also. Don’t you think that would be nice? You have always complained about my sexual appetite so this might open the door for you to seek your satisfaction from other sources. You might even want to have some illegitimate children. Then, Honey, after you have arranged for my medical rehabilitation from vital degeneration, a basis would be established for legal compensation if you played your cards right. Perhaps I would have to be hooked up to feeding and hydration apparatus until you have all your ‘ducks in a row’, then Honey, if the Lord has not called me home, I would like to be starved to death and incidentally, it would go faster if I was denied hydration as well. Don’t you think this is a great idea???
Michael: WOW! That is a great idea! Honey, I love you so very much… I am not sure what I would do without you.
To coin a phrase from Paul Harvey… NOW YOU (might) KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY
I suspect that you, Michael, being such a loving and shy person, had a struggle for some time before implementing this procedure.
I realize it is ridiculous of me to suggest such a conversation between two devoted lovers, but frankly, it makes more sense than the story that Michael come up with. Too bad we were denied Terri’s rendition. But then, there are some of us who are going to be able to ask her, face to face, one great day. Most of us are just plain curious as to the truth. God knows the truth. Isaiah 45:23 shares “Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess”. Whether or not you believe this, Michael, doesn’t change the facts… it will happen. Plan on it. It has the same chance as gravity. Whether or not you believe in it, it is a part of God’s plan.
In conclusion, I seriously cannot believe the courts and other authorities did not give some consideration to the possibility that her true wishes were denied. As for her making that statement 15 or more years early, I have no doubt that she may have. No one in their right mind would have said anything different when they are experiencing good health. No one wants to survive by artificial means until it becomes the only way.
Perhaps you, Michael, can organize your notes and have them published. Perhaps you could sell them to Ted Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, or some other individual actively experiencing denial. In all probability there are other liberals who are willing to agree with you, perhaps even some family members. It would be good to be cautious until the final autopsy reports have been make public, there could be an element of truth that you have failed to suppress.
I have admired the patience and demeanor of the Schlinder’s, obviously a gift from God.
I do have one strong piece of advice and a message for you, Michael Schiavo. In the event you get tired of having your favorite dog, cat, or bird around and treat it the same way that you have your wife, Terri, do NOT do it… You will go to jail. Without a doubt, we Americans do not tolerate starving or withholding fluids from animals.
May God have mercy upon you.
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