Saturday, November 13, 2004

Disgusting, to say the least!

Yesterday, I spent several hours driving and was a captive audience to the radio. I was appalled at the attention the major liberal news media gave to the death and funeral of Arafat. It was disgusting, to say the least. Why would any red-blooded American with any respect for this nation, give attention to the death and burial of the No. 1 terrorist in the world? Who gives a rip? All of the major media stations were quoting the NY Time, Boston Globe, Washington Post, and others with eulogy by Kofi Annan, and other United Nations officials. I believe it is time to re-evaluate the position of America with respect to the UN. My bible has instructions for dealing with our enemy. If the liberals are so anxious to share their passions for this murderer possibly they might consider relocating. As for me, my emphatic comment is “Praise the Lord, May God have mercy on his soul” and good riddance, there is one less terrorist leader. To use a phrase sent to me by a few of my liberal acquaintances “Let’s move on!”

When Kofi Annan gets tired of blowing this smoke, possibly he will allow investigation into the UN position of the Oil for Food issue.


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