A message for today
I am a few days late writing this message. Actually I am barely recovered from shock that such an accurate and unbiased report would surface in the Emporia Gazette. To this extend, fellow believers, There is Hope!
Since there is apt to be much interest in this subject, I believe this information should be widely circulated especially to those having influence on the agenda of schools in the State of Kansas. This article also reaffirms Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.
By Gwendolynne Larson, Emporia Gazette, April 7, 2005
The theory of evolution doesn’t fit with the immutable laws of physics, a speaker told a group Thursday night at Emporia State University.
David Penny, a former Emporian now living in Lawrence, spoke to a group of nearly 40 students and others during a presentation sponsored by ESU’s chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Penny graduated from Emporia High School in 1962 and headed to MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as part of a group of young scientists and engineers tapped to develop the United State’s fledgling space program.
Eventually, Penny told the group, he came to realize that the scientific facts he was learning couldn’t support the assertions of evolutionists.
Evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin, a naturalist, who proposed that all life on earth developed gradually over time from common ancestors.
“All these guys who promoted it were scientific types,” Penny said. “But none of these guys were taught the scientific method.”
“Science works on the theory that the universe is based on absolutes, “ Penny continued. “The scientific method is based on a given experiment always having the same conditions will always have the same results.”
Penny spent a good deal of time explaining the two laws by which he says all scientific equations and solutions are derived. The first, the law of quantity, says that there are only two things in the universe --- matter and energy. And the amount of the two never increases or decreases, but remains constant at all time.
So, he said, if a stone is thrown into a pond, the energy from the moving stone is displaced across the surface of the pond.
“We have the same amount (of matter and energy) today as we did a thousand years ago and will have a thousand years from now,” he said.
The second law, the law of quality, says that the amount of useful energy is decreasing at a constant rate. This law, Penny said, explains why our bodies age, plants die, and clothes wear out.
Evolution --- the belief that all life in the universe started from one spontaneous origin point and developed from there --- doesn’t fit with the laws, Penny said.
For instance, if scientists tried to work backwards to the origin point, they would find a single atom spinning at a rate of 10 to the 100th power (that’s 10 with 100 zeroes after it) times the speed of light, which isn’t possible.
Evolutionists, Penny said, try to create order in disorder. His example was a child with three favorite toys --- a truck, airplane and a train. The child’s moher has one place she wants each of the toys stored, but the child has 1,000 places to choose from to place each toy in his room.
Every time the child leaves the toys out of place, there is disorder.
“Mom is constantly reordering,” Penny said.
The only explanation based on scientific laws, Penny said, is that the universe was created. We’re walking around in someone else’s laboratory,” he said.
The theory is called “Intelligent design” and is set to be presented at two sets of hearings scheduled by the State Board of Education, which is trying o develop new science standards for Kansas Public Schools.
The first public hearing is set for May 5 through 7. Penny is scheduled to be back at Emporia State University before then. Organizers plan to sponsor his return on April 21 for an expanded lecture or possible debate.
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