Friday, August 11, 2006

Kansas Politics, Part 2

I have been collecting information to blend in with the political stew intended to enlighten my friends and fellow Kansans. While working, driving, I was also listening to 580am, WIBW, to Raubin & Megan interviewing the State Attorney General, Phill Kline. Since I drive in and out of the signal area I was forced to retrieve the complete interview from their website. I went to Raubin’s blog and there was all of the information I had been collecting and more. He had done a yoeman’s job of telling the entire story and had given many links to the supporting documents. I encourage you to go to their website, click on the blog, bookmark it, and save it as well. While you are in their website, you may also listen to their interview with Attorney General Phill Kline. It would be well worth your time. In case you are unfamiliar with Raubin and Megan, I encourage you to listen to them on WIBW, at 8 minutes after the hour of 1200 until 300pm. They provide one of the most comprehensive coverage of issues affecting Kansans that I have found.

The Governor has bragged about having $3,000,000 plus in her campaign coffers with much more available if needed. It is very evident from the dishonest, outrageous, and prevaricating ads on TV that she intends on spending it all. Honestly, I hope she does as that revenue will be spent in Kansas and should improve the economy to some extent.

I am not sure when I have been more active in a political campaign where every word of every ad or message needs to be weighed for truth, integrity, and content, and compared to the historical record.

Stay tuned! There will be more to come. Praise the Lord who is in control.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Illegal Immigration - Part 3

Illegal Immigration, Part 3

A short while after I finished my post earlier today of ‘Part 2’, I had an appointment with the Emporia City Attorney. Our meeting was both cordial and informative. I explained the major tenants of what I sought to do and we discussed them both from the standpoint of intent and purpose and also regarding areas that were unavailable as far as enforcement would be concerned.

I and a few other men have collectively been very concerned with the direction the federal, state, and local governments have been trying to lead concerning immigration, health care, Medicare, social security, education, oil prices & production, and many other related issues to name only a few. A few weeks ago I heard on a talk radio program how a small town in Pennsylvania was “taking the bull by the horns” so to speak as a result of having to face these same issues. When I pulled up their website, I discovered their city was about the same size as Emporia and had taken steps to cope with these problems thru adoption of a ordinance by unanimous vote by the city council.

I agreed to meet with the City attorney to be briefed on the detailed procedures, which would bring this before our city council, as well as the procedures that would be necessary in the event the council did not adopt it. He was very well informed and shared each step necessary including the collection of petitions and the various necessary requirements for the various elements the petition must contain as well as the number of signers.

Having written down all of these requirements, I was prepared to leave when he said there were a few other things I should know concerning putting such an ordinance in place here in Emporia. I was somewhat amused and reminded of the old axiom of ‘I was about to hear the other shoe fall’ on this subject. I greatly respect his willingness to share so that one doesn’t have surprises in the event our decision is to continue in our effort. He explained that our city does not have regulations concerning hiring practices, housing, rental contacts, who may rent and who can’t, do not have restrictions for identifying illegal individuals, and many of the other restrictions identified in the Hazelton document. He also shared that until recently there were no provisions to incarcerate illegal individuals. Since the city would have to pick up the cost of placing them in confinement, they had to let them go. You may wish to peruse this website to see for yourself what action they took concerning these issues.

This is where the effort brought us as of this date. I am sure the problems are not going away but our next step(s) must be more than one person’s effort. Don’t touch that dial. Stay tuned. I will keep you informed of the situation.

Illegal Immigration, part 2

Recent events have made it quite clear to me that some issues must be resolved soon, or the State of Kansas, and specifically this county, will be dangerously close to bankruptcy. The City of Emporia is the county seat of this (Lyon) county. I have been in several meetings recently where the subjects of taxes, school tuition, school transportation, gasoline prices, unemployment, and several others issues have been discussed to a variety of depths. I took copious notes so that I could attempt to arrive at some conclusions that might be useful in setting a course of action.

As I reflect on the notes I have listed 1) The U.S. has, according to our sources, somewhere between 11 and 15 million illegal aliens. 2) Literally every school district in our consideration has serious budget problems, particularly with transportation of students, salaries of teachers and aides, maintaining sports and other extra-curricular academia such as music and debate, and utilities. 3) Sporadic power outages throughout the U.S. 4) Fires that develop out of control in a variety of areas nationwide. 5) Political apathy over the entire nation. 6) Budgetary problems at the local hospital. In addition to these starred subjects, there were several more that failed make the list.

One common denominator for all of these problems is insufficient monies to continue operations in a normal manner. Why does every agency within the State have the same or similar problems. Not all of the problems are related to money directly, but most have been impacted one way or another. As I attempt to find if there is a correlation or an area of common concern that affects these issues on national, state, and local levels these thoughts come to mind. 1) Is there a common link to the power outages that have recently occurred during the tremendous heat experience all over the nation? 1a) Might it be that every power company, in the nation, has failed to have the foresight to prepare for attrition of equipment or other factors significant to the utility? 1b) Might it be that some subversive plot to increase the revenues of utilities is working under cover that CEO’s salaries might increase? (Surely they are not all Westar utility companies) or 1c) Does the infiltration of 15 million more people, desiring to be kept cool and clean, have an impact on the utilities, electrical power, gas and water? 1d) Is this stress on utilities affect just the source, or does it extend into every other facet of their lives?

Where are these 15 million people living? I believe they are creating a debilitating affect on the economic and social programs, medical facilities, schools, housing, and health care facilities. In this state they are being given reduced tuition at state supported schools, driver’s licenses (which allows them to vote), many do not bother to purchase insurance. Social security funds are being extended to them. Welfare programs through SRS are extended to immigrants more easily than to indigent and worthy residents of this state.

Many of these immigrants originate from areas where they have no home, no house to live in, where they have lived for generations sleeping on mats on the ground. Many are accustomed to natural resources being their provider of shelter, hygiene, and sanitary needs. Is there a connection between this standard of living being brought into the US and the unexplained fires throughout the nation? I have no idea. It takes resources to investigate issues of this sort and with millions of people infiltrating that is seemingly impossible.

I believe it is ludicrous to put the National Guard on the border to bolster the entry points, to build a fence costing millions of taxpayer dollars, or any other makeshift program to attempt to deny entry while businesses in this country are paying them to come here, plus subsidizing them for months after they get here. I further believe it is definitely not in the best interest of the taxpayer to join with the businesses who pay them to come in and give them driver’s licenses, reduced tuition, and provide for amenities, including medical, dental, and vision care, that are greater than is being given to our instate residents.

I have absolutely no objection to people from any country coming to the US legally. This gives our country an opportunity to plan ahead, provide for necessary amenities, and regulate the numbers. It also allows the person to pay his or her own way into the system of care each individual needs.

More to follow, stay tuned!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Kansas politics, 101

Here we go again!

It didn’t take long for the politicians to get underway with their outrageous distortion of the facts, distortion of accomplishments, and most certainly distortions of the truth. I would hope the citizens of Kansas go to the effort to write down some of the politicians claims that impact their personal lives and pocket books so they can put them under their pillow. Perhaps that activity is outdated, or not politically correct, any more as is moral values, honesty, integrity, and citizenship. It appears the golden rule has even been made from technologically improved materials so it bends easier and when it was made of that which didn’t break. Perhaps the demand for those, including rulers and paddles, has gone from our presence because of liberal views and vain attempts at creating a more politically correct environment and society. I am privileged to be old enough to recall how life was before most of the morals, ethics, Christian values, and respect for one another, has been replaced with deceit, greed, corruption, and liberalism. I have personally met Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and they both maintained great standards of social and moral values. I also had the opportunity to work for President Clinton and several in his cabinet failed to demonstrate those standards. Reflecting back a few presidential terms though it seems the wheels came off that moral wagon with ending of WW II.

The main purpose of my writing is to let off some steam plus sharing some encouragement to examine the political future in this ‘Land of Ahs’ with a great deal of caution. The recent election results, both local and state, have identified some serious areas of concern, from my personal viewpoint. Right out of the chute, our illustrious democrat governor had the audacity to share that she has over $3,000,000 at her disposal, with much more if needed, to give her another term in office. It is worthy of note the abortion providers are among the most liberal contributors, I am told. And if money won’t buy it, she puts her record of accomplishments on the table for good measure.

One of the more notable is the TV ad that tells of an audit that she ordered has identified over $1.0 Billion of waste in state funded activities. Since this is the same, or similar, message that she gave when she ran for office last time, I am not sure what the future holds. There was no evidence of reorganization or program changes to reduce the budget. As a matter of fact she, the house democrats, and the RINO’s, tried to raise taxes several times in this past term without success. She has the same philosophy as many other liberals that believe if you throw enough money at the problem, surely it will correct itself or self- destruct. Personally, she wants to add thousands of illegal aliens to the roles in school and then get her friends in the court to demand more money be allocated in the budget to make sure they get a good education. She also seems to think the we need more casinos in the state so that low income people don’t have to drive so far to invest their welfare checks. While I have compassion for those with low incomes, I do believe there are better places for them to spend their money than casinos. Our precious governor may be guilty of many things but leadership is not one of them, there is not sufficient evidence to do anything but bring her to trial before the November election.

Very soon after Election Day she appointed two new judges to the circuit bench. One, Mark Brown, had been on the Topeka school board where some of the $450 million in taxpayer funds could be squandered. That same judge had served as chairman of the Republicans for Sebellius fund raising organization and I was told this group contributed over $6,000.00. Not sure whether or not he routed the funds from the abortion industry in Kansas. In addition, Mr. Brown’s wife currently works for the Sebellius re-election committee. These bits are just the tip of the iceberg. I will do more homework and report some facts with sources later.

If there happens to be a reader of this message who is not familiar, George Tiller is a nationally famous abortionist in Wichita. I am not sure whether or not he is a doctor because there seems to be a lack of regulations governing that activity. This and other concerns are probably of questionable value, there were only 5 ladies who lost their life with abortion procedures last year in this state, so I have been told. I find it more than amusing that if a pregnant woman is murdered, the assailant is charged with taking the life of two, the mother and the unborn baby. If she looses her life at the hands of an abortionist, the assailant doesn’t get charged for either. Probably some obscure rules that only a judge would understand.